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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Consequences of Flipping Real Estate
- If you're not careful,
you'll be making big profits for the IRS.

You Remodel or Move?
- You can fix it up or you can buy a
new house. Here are some things to think about before you decide.

Kind Exchange on Rental/Vacation Home
- Using a rental property
as a part-time vacation home generally takes the property outside
of the like-kind exchange realm, says CPA George Saenz.

Your House in a Down Market - 5 Tips
- It's official. It's a buyer's
market out there for home sellers. But homes are still selling, mostly
by people who know the landscape has changed.

in a Cooling Housing Market
- Current market conditions will spur
home sellers to consider lower offers, but don't expect them to panic,
says Real Estate Adviser Steve McLinden.

Patient - Home Buyers Will Return
- The market has chilled in
many areas of the country but the current construction slowdown will
create new demand down the road, says Steve McLinden.